
Read for free ARCHumankind’s publications and documents on several subjects.

Davos by the volcanoes

A research team comprising the National Scientific Research Centre and the local public University (Université Clermont Auvergne) promoted a weekly Summer school dedicated to ‘Integrated Assessment Models, Economics, Energy and Climate’ - geared mostly at academics and other professionals, including PhD students, and conducted in English.

Report: FTO status review: People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran / Mujahedin-e Khalq

In light of the July 16, 2010 United Staes Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit case which remanded to your esteemed office the review of the Foreign Terrorist Organization (“FTO”) status of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (“PMOI”), which is also referred to as the Mujahadin-E Khalq (“MEK”)…

Democracy in Europe

Territoriality, identity, and representation

Policy Brief Nr.1 – EUROPE should keep its principles when dealing with IRAN

EUROPE should keep its principles when dealing with IRAN This policy brief highlights the gross human rights violations of the Iranian regime against its own citizens. It draws special attention to the sharp rise of executions, arbitrary detention of rights activists, and the situation of women, minorities and children during President Hassan Rouhani’s tenure

Ashraf and Western policy towards Iraq

The “Independent Report” published last November made fully the case for the delisting of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) in the US...

For a meaningful SDG Agenda

In the wake of the US declaration on the Paris Agreement

Syria break the wall of silence Nr.1

ARCHumankind was launched in the end of 2010 by a group of five friends with their eyes focused on the Greater Middle East. Foreseeing the Arab Spring, we were trying our best to provide a humane, democratic, tolerant alternative to the old sitting authoritarian regimes and the reactionary jihad movement which was and is waiting for its opportunity to tighten its grip on the Arab World.

Syria: Break the wall of silence

Syria: Break the wall of silence

Syria Break the Wall of Silence Nr.2

After managing to reinstall the inaugural issue of “Syria: Break the Wall of silence” after being viciously attacked by hacking tutors if the Iranian regime, we have the pleasure to present you now the second issue.

Iranian theocracy: the totalitarian threat of our day

Ian Kershaw is rightly considered as the most important reference on the history of Hitler and his rising. He is particularly brilliant in portraying the general environment that allowed said rise to happen, as in his masterpiece ‘Making friends with Hitler, Lord Londonderry and Britain’s Road to War’.