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Time for a free Iran

One year ago the Iranian Morality Police arrested and murdered a young Iranian woman Mahsa Amini for not dressing a veil in a regulatory...

Qatar parliamentary bribes

The Islamist machine penetrating Europe  On December the ninth, on the eve of the international Human Rights Day, Belgium's Federal Prosecutor’s Office made public a...

Democratic Revolution in Iran

A potential game changer Photo from NCRI website

On the International Day of Non-Violence

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IB7_ekeoYoE Since 2007, under an initiative by Indian authorities, the United Nations established Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday, the second of October, as the International Day of...

Pacts with terrorists imperil European lives as well as Europe’s future!

Dear citizens – from Belgium, from other European nations or from elsewhere in the world, most in particular from Iran; dear representatives of the...

Belgium authorities sanction EU DisinfoLab

In 2018, an organisation called EU DisinfoLab engaged in what SADF’s analysis considered to be the most important disinformation act in contemporary times, convincing both the French political establishment and the French press of the existence of a supposed, major Russian conspiracy – which DisinfoLab itself later admitted was false. 

Webinar ABU DHABI Airport Attack – The Iran Connection

On January 21, 2022, ARCHumankind organised an online seminar regarding the attack on the Abu Dhabi International Airport by the Yemeni Ansar Allah, also known as the ‘Houthis’. The terror assault against this internationally crucial infrastructure, where some European countries have military facilities, caused severe damages, and led to at least three fatalities. The group is part of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) network led by the Iranian regime and has been waging war against Yemeni authorities throughout the last decade. 


Last Monday, the Yemeni Ansar Allah (also known as ‘Houthis’) launched an attack on the Abu Dhabi International Airport – where several European countries have military facilities – causing important damages and at least three fatalities.

Paulo Casaca interview on ‘Al-Arabya’ on the Iranian nuclear programme

Paulo Casaca in interview to Al-Arabya called the European Union to act in accordance with the international community, including the United States and the Arab Middle East countries to stop the nuclear programme escalade of the Iranian authorities.

On the twentieth anniversary of September eleven

For all those who in a few hours will commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the tragedy at the National September 11 Memorial in New...