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Human Rights in Iran – UN Universal Periodic Review takes on board some ARCHumankind...

UN Universal Periodic Review takes on board some ARCHumankind recommendations

Pacts with terrorists imperil European lives as well as Europe’s future!

Dear citizens – from Belgium, from other European nations or from elsewhere in the world, most in particular from Iran; dear representatives of the...

Stop impunity on the crimes of the theocracy

Appeal to Swiss authorities that intend to close the file on the accusation against 14 officials of the Iranian regime responsible for the assassination of the former academic, diplomat and spokesman of the NCRI, Kazem Rajavi.

Disinformation attack

On January 20, Disinfolab finally (and only as a result of legal warning) published the ‘right of reply’ exerted by ARCHumankind, SADF, and their...

East Turkistan National Awakening Movement (ETNAM)

The East Turkistan National Awakening Movement (ETNAM), as described in their website, is an international movement striving for the restoration of East Turkistan's independence as an open, pluralistic Republic guaranteeing Human Rights and Freedoms for all. 

Belgium authorities sanction EU DisinfoLab

In 2018, an organisation called EU DisinfoLab engaged in what SADF’s analysis considered to be the most important disinformation act in contemporary times, convincing both the French political establishment and the French press of the existence of a supposed, major Russian conspiracy – which DisinfoLab itself later admitted was false. 

Iranian state mass murder attempt on European soil

Europe needs to put its act together! Last Friday, November 27, in Antwerp, Belgium judicial authorities presented their case at the first public audience in the trial of Assadollah Assadi, Iranian diplomat.

Webinar ABU DHABI Airport Attack – The Iran Connection

On January 21, 2022, ARCHumankind organised an online seminar regarding the attack on the Abu Dhabi International Airport by the Yemeni Ansar Allah, also known as the ‘Houthis’. The terror assault against this internationally crucial infrastructure, where some European countries have military facilities, caused severe damages, and led to at least three fatalities. The group is part of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) network led by the Iranian regime and has been waging war against Yemeni authorities throughout the last decade. 

Paulo Casaca in Ashraf 3 Albania

On 28 and 29 June 2019, Paulo Casaca, Co-Founder and President of ARCHumankind, was invited to visit the Iranian village named 'Ashraf 3' in...

Paulo Casaca participates in the Free Iran rally

On 15 June 2019, in Brussels, ARCHumankind Executive Director, Paulo Casaca, joined Iranian supporters of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI or MEK) in...